Monday, July 16, 2007

Here goes......

Well, I've finally done it! I have been meaning to start a blog for quite some time, but didn't because I thought it would be too involved. If that's what is stopping you - don't - it was so easy.

This first post won't win any Pulitzers, but forgive me, I'm new at this.

I will be posting pictures of quilts, knitting, fiber, beading.....hence the artistic ADD. I currently have an exhibit of 16 quilts in the lobby of The Playground Theater (a small black-box theater) in Duluth, Minnesota. My co-mother-in-law, her parents and I hung the quilts. Thanks to them for the assistance. This is a real scary proposition for me - I have a hard time getting my work out there for people to see. I will be having an artist's reception some time in August - I'll let you know the date when it is set up.

Here are some photos from the exhibit:

More to follow.........


Cathy said...

Nancy - it looks like you are off to a great start! It looks like a wonderful exhibit. I love all of the color in your quilts. Lucky you to have such a great start to your blog!

Debbie said...

Hello Nancy!
Love your photos
and you too!

Kyla said...

Welcome to the world of blogging.
Your quilts are wonderful! This is the first year I haven't gone home to Minnesota since I I love to Ohio in 1987, other wise I would of come to see your work, It looks fabulous

Lori said...

Welcome to the blog world dearie...
Love your quilts, but love you even more!

Unknown said...

Nancy what beautiful quilts...welcome to the blog world.